I would like to thank the people who have kindly allowed Mascot Mania to use their photographs. My particular thanks to the main contributors who have sacrificed freely of their own time and provided a rich variation of textual and photographic content. Content that makes Mascot Mania and Finesse Fine Art the largest source of information on motoring mascots, badges, picnic sets and motometers to be found on the Internet.
Below you will find a list of useful reference books, and also links to other web sites you may find of interest.
Happy mascot collecting to all members past and present,
Sincerely Tony Wraight
(sole owner of Mascot Mania and Finesse Fine Art)
The books below represent a good selection to have in your reference library. Most are listed with their ISBN number.
Ames, R. |
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Mascot Catalogs.
Privately published. ISBN 0-9661017-0-7.
Card, P. |
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Motor-Car Mascots and Badges.
Shire Publications. ISBN 0-7478-0117-7.
Colwill, J. |
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The automobile Mascot- a Design in Mototion, in FOUR volumes.
Hemlock printers ISBN 0-9738866-0-9.
Gardiner, G. and Morris, A. |
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The Price Guide & Identification of Automobilia.
Antique Collectors Club. ISBN 0-907462-15-4.
Harris, W. |
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Chrysler Hood Ornaments, Mascots, Trademarks.
Privately Published. ISBN 0-9727383-0-4.
Harris, W. |
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Packard Hood Ornaments, Trademarks, Moto-Meters.
Privately Published. ISBN 0-9727383-0-4.
Harris, W. |
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Pontiac Hood Ornaments, Mascots, Trademarks.
Privately Published. ISBN 0-9727383-0-4.
Jewell, B. |
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Motor Badges & Figureheads.
Midas Books. ISBN 0-85936-062-8.
Kay, D. and Springate, L. |
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Automotive Mascots.
Veloce Publishing. ISBN 1-901295-42-7.
Martells, J. |
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Antique Automotive Collectibles
Contemporary Books. ISBN 0-8092-7205-9.
Smith, D. |
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Accessory Mascots
Privately published. ISBN 0-9623873-0-4.
Williams, W.C. |
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Motoring Mascots of the World.
Graphic Arts Centre & Robert Ames. ISBN 1-55868-043-8.
Georgano, G.N. |
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The Complete Encyclopedia of Motor Cars 1885-1969.
Ebury Press. (1968)
Nicholson, T. |
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Car Badges of the World.
Cassell. (1970)
Worthington-Williams, M. |
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Automobilia, A Guided Tour for Collectors.
Batsford/RAC. (1979)
The following list represents some sites which may be of interest. They are all connected - one way or another - to the automobilia hobby. All links open in a separate browser window. Should you contact the owners of these sites please mention Mascot Mania!
Annuaire Auto-Collection. |
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Eric Hierro's first French directory containing more than 2100 websites exclusively about classic cars. A very comprehensive directory-style site that receives over 60000 visits per month!
Art On Wheels. |
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If your hobby is mascots, motoring badges or automobila, you're sure to find something to please on this easy-to-use website.
Automobile Figural Mascots. |
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Ken Thornton's excellent site. Ken's site has details on many of the mascots fitted by well-known US motor manufacturers. You'll also find photographs, information & mascots for sale.
Auto Mobilier. |
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Pascal Pannetier's French automobilia website/magazine. A wealth of information for French enthusiasts, including an automobilia mailing list, annual automobilia meeting in France and also books and mascot links and information.
Automobile-Portal. |
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One of the Internets most extensive portal's concerning automobiles. More than 20,000 tested web-links, each one manually checked, and over 300,000 pages views per month! Lots of useful information, including clubs, spares, insurance, expert advice and car sales.
Beaulieu Motor Museum. | ---- |
Home of the world famous twice yearly autojumble, also a very nice motor museum, stately home and ancient abbey.
Car Badges Of Australia. |
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Peter Cornell's comprehensive website showcasing his personal collection of Australian Automobile Association car badges.
Classic Motor Monthly UK. |
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A monthly motoring magazine for all classic car enthusiasts. Lots of cars and automobilia for sale in its classified columns. Each month it also publishes a guide to UK autojumbles.
Finesse Fine Art. |
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Antique dealers in Lalique, metal and glass mascots, picnic and vanity sets, lamps, badges, bronzes and fine motoring accessories of pre-war cars. Tony Wraight's site also includes a very nice section with details on metal and glass mascots.
Jill Reger Fine Art. |
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Jill Reger's photographic artwork website. The section linked to here showcases Jill's excellent hood ornament and emblem photographs. Jill's website also includes sections on transportation and car artwork, containing many more of her superb photographs. Well worth browsing!
Louis Lejeune Ltd. |
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The world famous AEL factory. AEL still produce fine works of art - including car mascots - and you can see many examples on their website. The website has a secure online purchasing system allowing you to purchase many of their pieces.
Mathis. |
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This French site run and maintained by Francis Roll deals with the early French Automobiles Mathis.
Northstar Gallery. |
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An online art gallery with a section of fine art photography of car mascots, showing the form and sensuality of their design.
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James C. Ritchie's photo and graphic art gallery. Many original works, including a nice section on Auto Classics.
PreWarBuick. |
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Paul DeLucchi's site devoted to pre-war Buick's. Paul's site is a wealth of information to anyone interested in these classic vehicles. Lots of features from pre-war Buick owners too.
PreWarCar. |
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Joris Bergsma's daily magazine & marketplace dedicated to the pre-1940 car. A wealth of information and lots of cars for sale. Updated daily, so there's always something new to see.
Please report any broken or non-functioning links. |